Mt Kinabalu Weather Update

Here are the latest weather updates for Mount Kinabalu in Sabah, Malaysia.

Historical Report


Today's Weather




Humidity: 92%
Wind Speed: 8km/h

Past Week's Weather

Date Weather Temperature °C Humidity Wind Speed
Summit Gate Closed Summit Gate closed due to bad weather.
Heavy Rain Heavy Rain -1°C 99% 15km/h
Clear Clear 3°C 88% 6km/h
Clear Clear 2°C 87% 4km/h
Sunny Sunny 3°C 88% 6km/h
Sunny Sunny 3°C 89% 3km/h
Sunny & Clear Sunny & Clear 3°C 84% 3km/h
Sunny Sunny 3°C 87% 5km/h
This weather report is brought to you by Amazing Borneo Tours

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about Weather on Mount Kinabalu

When is the best time to climb Mount Kinabalu?

March to September is generally the best time to climb Mount Kinabalu due to the dry season. But in recent years, global climate change has made it more challenging to predict the ideal time. Based on the recent summit gate closure statistics, there is no longer a consistently best time to climb. For a detailed analysis, check out HERE.

Which month is the sunniest?

February and March tend to be the sunniest months, with clearer skies and dryer weather, making them popular with climbers.

Which month is the rainiest?

October and November are generally the rainiest months on Mount Kinabalu, with frequent showers throughout the day.

How frequently does the weather change on Mount Kinabalu?

The weather on Mount Kinabalu can change quickly, and it is not uncommon to experience sunshine, rain, and mist all in one day. Being in a tropical rainforest, passing showers and heavy rain are common throughout the year. Always be prepared for sudden weather changes.

How does the weather affect the climbing experience?

The dry season offers a more comfortable climbing experience, and the surroundings tend to be clearer, allowing you to see stunning panoramic views. There is also generally a lower chance of summit closure. However, securing climb slots can be more difficult, and you may need to book months in advance.

During the rainy season, the trails can be slippery and muddy, with higher chances of clouds covering the views. However, it is easier to secure climb slots and cheaper deals.

Can I still climb Mount Kinabalu during bad weather?

Yes, you can still climb to Panalaban in general, even in bad weather. Most of the hike to Panalaban is on a well-maintained track with steps, usually not significantly affected by rain. Additionally, there are several shelters along the 6km route for protection.

However, the early morning climb to Low's Peak might be delayed or cancelled during heavy rains and extreme weather conditions. Sabah Park officials will decide on summit closure before the morning climb. If the summit has not been officially closed by Sabah Park during bad weather, climbers may still continue if they sign an indemnity form as required by the park rangers.

Do I get a refund if the summit or via ferrata activity is closed due to extreme weather conditions?

Refunds are not provided in these cases, as closures due to extreme weather are considered Acts of God and are implemented for climbers' safety. does not profit from such situations. Typically, you can still ascend to Panalaban Base Camp and stay overnight with meals included.

What is Mount Kinabalu's average temperature at different altitudes?

Summit (4,095.2m a.s.l.): 0°C - 3°C
Timpohon to Panalaban: 6°C - 16°C
Kinabalu Park (foot of mountain): 15°C - 26°C

Does it snow on Mount Kinabalu?

Yes, it does snow on Mount Kinabalu, but it is extremely rare. Although temperatures near the summit can drop below freezing, especially at night, frost or ice is more common. Snow will only form when conditions are just right, which doesn't happen often on Mount Kinabalu. Click HERE to see snow on Mount Kinabalu!